28 February 2012

Weekly Programme Update (27 February - 4 March 2012)

Warmest greetings from Nalanda!

The long awaited meaningful event; Nalanda Walkathon - Walk for Education 2012 will  take off this forthcoming Sunday, 4 March 2012 at Bukit Jalil Recreation Park! This will be the main programme ogranised this week for all to participate.

The closing date for registration is 29 February 2012, Wednesday therefore if you are still interested, kindly click here for online registration! Do join us either as a participant or as a volunteer! 

Registration for participants will start from 6.30am and hope to see all of you at the Assemble Point - Gate 3 (refer to map attached)!

There  will  be   no  Service   Sunday   this   week   as   well   as   the   following  week (Nalanda  Buddhist  Society 9th Annual General Meeting).   Service Sunday will resume on 18 March 2012.

27 February 2012

26 February 2012 - Alavaka Sutta Commentarial Course

"Faith is here a man's best treasure;
Dhamma practised well brings happiness;
Truth is really the sweetest of all tastes;
One living by wisdom they say lives best."

Mr. Yong Song Kong - Lecturer of the Alavaka Sutta Commentarial Course.

The lecturer started off the course with group sharing on “What is this Sutta about?”

Participants discussed with each other about their understanding on the Alavaka Sutta.  For some participants, they were reading the sutta for the very first time.

Group representatives were called to present on their sharings.
Bro. Yong later clarified and explained the intention and purpose of the group discussion with its topic. 
He encouraged the participants to read from the text, and not to read into the text which tends to superimpose on what the Buddha has said to us.

25 February 2012

25 February 2012 - Meet-the-Author

It was an interactive and engaging session with Mr. Vijaya Samarawickrama during the Saturday afternoon.  The author of the book "A Buddhist Reflects on the Family", Mr. Vijaya conducted the inaugural session of Meet-the-Author organised by Pustaka Nalanda.

Tapping into the wisdom of the Buddha drawn from Sigalovada Sutta, Parabhava Sutta and Mangala Sutta,  Mr. Vijaya answered different questions from the audience pertaining to family issues and domestic well-being. 

The next session of the Meet-the-Author is on 11 March 2012, Sunday, 3.00 - 4.30pm.  We will be meeting the author - Dr. David R. Loy, with his book "The Great Awakening - A Buddhist Social Theory".  All are welcome to attend.

22 February 2012 - Uposatha Puja & Dhamma Talk

Uposatha Puja commences with the offerings to the Triple Gems.

The Dhamma Talk begins with sitting meditation - preparing our mind for the talk
 "The Way of Wisdom" by Bro. Jeff Oliver. 

Despite a long day at work, participants were listening very attentively to Bro. Jeff's Dhamma Talk.

The service ended with Sharing of Merits and Transference of Merits.

Bro. Jeff Oliver's sharing on "The Way of Wisdom" is that we ought to consistently practise Awareness and connect with Nature; this will remind us to accept the 3 characteristics of impermanance, unsatisfactoriness and non-self.  With that practice, it will allow us to separate from the clinging of pleasant and unpleasant experiences thus leading to calm and peace of mind! 

24 February 2012

Have you read a Dhamma book today?

Book title : Business and the Buddha : Doing Well by Doing Good
Author : Lloyd Field
ISBN : 0-86171-544-6
Publisher : Wisdom Publications Boston
Topic : Management Studies & Leadership

“No longer can any business – big or small – afford to focus solely on profit.  Real assessment of a business’s worth must take into account its consideration of human values and the realities of our shared planet…” 

Inspired by the holistic teachings of the Buddha centred on the Four Noble Truths, Lloyd shows how business pursuits can be done in more humanistic ways; leaders, decision makers and entrepreneurs can achieve different levels of happiness and security both within and without the company, and take a power-position as a force for positive global change. 

Contents :
What’s free about free enterprise?
A vision of the future
Dharma, karma and the Four Noble Truths
Buddhism, economics, and the interconnected world
Buddhist ethics and business
The healthy organisation
The transition to compassion
Changing your world, your workplace, and yourself
& others

From the chart of 10 Most Popular Titles, this book “Business and the Buddha : Doing Well by Doing Good” is the most borrowed book title at Pustaka Nalanda. 

You can also access our collection of books through the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) at http://www.nalanda.org.my/pustaka. 

 Happening @ Pustaka Nalanda

Date : 25 February 2012, Saturday
Time : 3.00 - 4.30pm
Venue : Level 3, Nalanda Centre [ Map ]

Mr. Vijaya Samarawickrama, the author of “A Buddhist Reflects on the Family” will share with us his insights on issues related to family and social well-beings, drawing in fundamental principles expounded by the Buddha in developing a happy family.  We encourage you to read the book ahead of the session to facilitate more interactive discussion. To find out more about this book, please click here

We welcome you to come with family members and friends, and benefit from this session!

23 February 2012

4 March 2012 - Nalanda Walkathon


Warmest greetings from Nalanda!
Thanks to those who have shown your support through registering as participant, offering as volunteer, registering as fund-raiser and also recruiting more family and friends to join this meaningful walk! For those who are interested, kindly click here for online registration as the closing date is 29 February 2012!
Walkers’ numbers are ready for collection from Nalanda Management Office with details below. [Please click here for our address and location map] 
Date : 24 to 26 February 2012, Friday to Sunday
Time : 10am – 9pm
Nalanda Walkathon – Walk for Education 2012 is meant to encourage physical exercise and active lifestyle for the entire family. It is in line with Nalanda’s objective of promoting physical well-being and good health. Science has proven that walking is one of the easiest and simplest forms of exercise. You can now trim your waistline, improve your health and make a difference to others by participating in this walkathon.
Benefits of walking
  • Lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol)
  • Raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol)
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Reduce your risk of or manage type 2 diabetes
  • Manage your weight, improve your mood, stay fit
Let’s join Nalanda Walkathon – Walk for Education 2012 by inviting your spouse, partner, friends or neighbours to join you. Please support us in our endeavour to bring about positive social changes through quality education. It’s great to work-out together for better health, and at the same time, contribute towards social improvement through holistic education.

Lastly, hope to see all of you there on 4 March 2012, Sunday at Bukit Jalil Recreation Park and do note that the Assemble Point is at GATE 3 (Please refer to the map below).

21 February 2012

Weekly Programme Update (20 - 26 February 2012)

Warmest greetings from Nalanda!

We have organised the following programme this week and looking forward to your participation.

Uposatha Service & Dhamma Talk "The Way of Wisdom"
Date: 22 February 2012, Wednesday
Time: 8pm - 10pm
Venue: Level 1, Nalanda Centre

The service will commence at 8pm with Uposatha Puja followed by Dhamma Talk by Bro. Jeff Oliver on "The Way of Wisdom". Since ancient times, wise people had shared their wisdom with us but are we using it respectfully and putting it into practice? Come and discover the ways to utilise and trust your own intrinsic wisdom this Wednesday night. Please click here for our address and location map.

The profile of Bro. Jeff Oliver:
  • A meditation teacher from Australia; practising Vipassana meditation for more than 10 years. He is also the author of "See it, Know it, Watch it go..."
  • His methods are based on both ancient and modern ways of mind-cultivation emphasising on appreciation, forgiveness and the unconditional love and wisdom.
  • Has shared his knowledge and experiences in many countries - Japan, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, South Africa and Turkey.

Meet-the-Author Session with Mr Vijaya Samarawickrama
Date: 25 February 2012, Saturday
Time: 3pm - 4.30pm
Venue: Level 3, Nalanda Centre

This session is on the book "A Buddhist Reflects on the Family" by Mr Vijaya Samarawickrama. We encourage you to read the book ahead of the session to facilitate more interactive discussion. To find out more about this book, please click here

We welcome you in bringing your spouse and family members to join and benefit from this session!

Service Sunday and Dhamma Talk "Strengthening Faith through Practice"
Date: 26 February 2012, Sunday
Time: 9am - 11am
Venue: Level 1, Nalanda Centre

The service will commence at 9am with sitting meditation, puja, chanting and followed by a Dhamma Talk by Sis. Tan Yee Yong on "Strengthening Faith through Practice".

Profile of Sis. Tan Yee Yong;
  • Senior Technical Manager of a private company with Diploma (BAPU), BSc Degree, MBA, MA (Buddhist Studies, International Buddhist College).
  • Currently a SJBA Dhamma Committee member.
  • Dhamma Speaker in English and Mandarin.

We welcome everyone to join and benefit from the talk.

Commentarial Course - BPS 127: Alavaka Sutta
Date: 26 February 2012, Sunday
Time: 2pm - 6pm
Venue: Level 3, Nalanda Centre

This interesting discourse illustrates how the Buddha has answered Alavaka, a demon on the four qualities of Truth, Restraint, Charity and Forbearance of which a layperson should practise in the process of self-purification.

This course will be conducted by Bro. Yong Song Kong and participants' registration will start from 1.30pm. Please click here for our address and location map.

19 February 2012

18 & 19 February 2012 - Satipatthana Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop

Nalanda Institute has invited Ven. Aggacitta to conduct the Satipatthana Sutta commentarial course with meditation.  The whole sutta will be covered in two workshops at Nalanda Centre.  During the first workshop in February, the venerable explained on Kayanupassana, Vedananupassana and Cittanupassana based on the Satipatthana Sutta from Majjhima Nikaya No. 10.

From left : Ven. Balacitta, Ven. U Vijaya, Ven. Sikkhananda.

Participants at Level 3 & 4 listening attentively to the venerable's lecture and instruction on meditation.

Besides sitting meditation, the participants had a chance to practise kayanupassana on standing posture.

There were several group discussions during the workshop.

Group representative was called to present the group findings.
The reverend would later clarify and explain on the topic discussed.

18 February 2012

Press Coverage on Nalanda Free School

This is a feature-article on Nalanda Free School,
published in the New Straits Times,
on Friday, 17 February 2012,
Streets, pp 8-9, Centre-spread.

Thanks to all our dedicated volunteers for your hard work
and great contributions!

17 February 2012

Read a Dhamma book today

Book title : A Buddhist Reflects on the Family
Author : Vijaya Samarawickrama
Topic : Self Help / Guidance / Counselling
ISBN : 983-9382-08-X 

Family is defined as a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with each other in their respective social positions, usually those of spouses, parents, children, and siblings [Source:The Britannica Online Encyclopædia ]

By referring to the teachings of the Buddha, in A Buddhist Reflects on the Family, Mr. Vijaya expounded the principles that Buddhists shall embrace in order to establish and develop a blissful family. 

In this booklet, there are discussions on the following topics :

  1. The pursuit of happiness
  2. Monasticism & family life
  3. Advice for householders
  4. Duties and obligations
  5. The meaning of love
  6. The consequences of ingratitude
  7. Respect for elders
Though we may know that it is important to care for our family well-being but how many of us know the way to achieve this well-being?  Have we experience this - gaining great strength and happiness by being part of a well-functioning family?

We encourage you pick up this handy booklet and discover for yourself the practical way to be blessed with domestic bliss.

Besides reading the booklet, you can also meet up with the author during the session on  25 February 2012, next Saturday, 3.00pm – 4.30pm at Nalanda Centre.  We invite you to participate, discuss face to face with Mr. Vijaya, and tap into his experience in maintaining a happy, healthy family.  Don’t miss the opportunity!  

Pustaka Nalanda [ http://nalanda.org.my/pustaka/ ]
It opens six days a week from Tuesday to Sunday, 10am – 6pm.  All are most welcome to borrow and read books at the Pustaka Nalanda.  For enquiries, please call us at 03-8938 1500.

16 February 2012

4 March 2012 - Nalanda Walkathon


Warmest greetings from Nalanda!

Many thanks to those who have signed up for the Nalanda Walkathon - Walk for Education 2012! We hope that all of you have geared up for this Walk as we are only 16 days away! For those who are interested, kindly click here for online registration! Do bring your family and friends to enjoy the greens of the park on 4 March 2012, Sunday at Bukit Jalil Recreation Park!

We aim to raise RM150,000 for Nalanda Education Fund that finances free tuition classes for needy students, free courses and trainings as well as other educational services that will benefit the Malaysian community; hence we welcome your support!

You may extend your support in the following ways:

·    Register as a fund-raiser to raise funds from your friends and relatives with the Sponsorship Pledge Card. [Please obtain it from Nalanda Management Office & register the card serial number with us]

·    Register as a participant and encourage others to participate as well. [You may register online as per the link above]

·    Sponsor in cash or in kind to the event [Please contact the organisers directly or email to walkathon@nalanda.org.my]

·    Sponsor someone or a group to participate in the Walkathon [Please provide the name list of participants complete with their categories, make the total payment by cheque or direct transfer and forward both details to us either by fax or email. Please click here for further information]

·    Join us as a volunteer and make new friends. [Please contact the organisers as we welcome your help]
The names and contact numbers of the organisers are as follows;
1. Mr Pee Che Yong, 012-382 8806
2. Ms Margaret Ng, 019-309 6880
3. Mr Tan Thian Khoon, 012-315 7779

To facilitate outstation registrations, we have extended the closing date to 29 February 2012. Thus, we look forward to your recommending more family members and friends to participate.

We hope to see a greater turn out this year; see you on 4 March 2012 at Bukit Jalil Recreation Park!

Press Coverage on Nalanda Free School

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

This is an article on Nalanda Free School from an exclusive interview
conducted on 9 February 2012 by ORIENTAL DAILY.


Nalanda Free School was established in July 2010 to provide free tuition to academically- weak and needy students living around Nalanda Centre. For Year 2012, the School is engaging 35 volunteer tutors providing 30 classes every week, serving about 560 primary and secondary students in Serdang and Happy Garden. Besides free tuition, we also organise learning-skill enhancement programmes, holiday camps, and counselling service for our students.

14 February 2012

Weekly Programme Update (13 - 19 February 2012)

BPS 271: Satipatthana Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop (Part 1)
Date: 18 & 19 February 2012, Saturday & Sunday
Time: 9am - 5pm
Venue: Level 3 & 4, Nalanda Centre

The workshop comes in 2 parts and Part 2 will commence on 24 & 25 March 2012, however, registration for both workshops is already CLOSED. These 2 workshops will not only provide scriptural text with instructions on meditation based on the “Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness” but will incorporate meditation practice sessions for mental cultivation.

The workshops will be conducted by Ven. Aggacitta and participants' registration will start from 8am at Level 2, Pustaka in Nalanda Centre. Please click here for our address and location map.

Service Sunday & Parenting Talk "成为孩子夢想的引导者"  
Date: 19 February 2012, Sunday
Time: 9am - 11am
Venue: Level 1, Nalanda Centre

The service will commence at 9am with sitting meditation, puja, chanting and followed by a Mandarin Parenting Talk from Bro. Aggaphala Yap. The title of the talk is 成为孩子夢想的引导者. Bro. Aggaphala Yap will elaborate on the purpose of career guidance and sharing tips in helping your children search for the direction of career development. He will also share the Dos and Don’ts in guiding your children in searching their career development path.

Profile of Bro. Aggaphala Yap;
- Registered and Licensed Counsellor
- Master in Counselling & Guidance from University Putra Malaysia
- Nalanda Book Cafe’s Community Counsellor
- Has more than 6 years experience as University College Counsellor
   and Community Counsellor 

We welcome you to bring your family members and friends to join this Service Sunday!

Please be reminded that Commentarial Course - BPS 127: Alavaka Sutta will commence on 26 February 2012, Sunday. Please click here to register online, the closing date is on 19 February 2012.

13 February 2012

15 - 18 March 2012 - Teenagers' Learning Camp

Click on the poster for other details.

For registration, download the form, fill in the particulars, and email the form to sunanda@nalanda.org.my or fax to 03-8938-1502.

For payment, you can direct bank-in/transfer to Maybank Berhad 5121-4702-3622, payable to Nalanda Buddhist Society. Thereafter, please email the transaction document to us for our record purpose.

For other enquiries, please contact Sis. Sunanda at the Nalanda Office (03-8938-1500).

12 February 2012

12 February 2012 - Service Sunday

Service commences with meditation and puja; preparing our minds for the Dhamma Talk.

Dhamma sharing from Sis. Au Yeong who is an avid volunteer.

Dhamma Talk "Happiness from Voluntary Service" by Dr.Phang Cheng Kar.

Should a person perform a meritorious action,
he should do it again and again;
he should find pleasure therein:
blissful is the accumulation of merit.
~ Dhammapada v.118 ~
Dr. Phang, a psychiatrist with HKL identifies 2 kinds of happiness; Sensual Happiness and Happiness from wholesome thoughts and actions. Sensual Happiness may be more intense but will soon develop tolerance thus the happiness wears off rather quickly. The later, though gives less intensity, it is more durable or long lasting.  We will therefore gain more durable happiness through volunteering our services - the wholesome actions!  

11 February 2012

12 - 14 March 2012 - Children's Learning Camp

Click on the poster for other details.

For registration, download the form, fill in the particulars, and email the form to sunanda@nalanda.org.my or fax to 03-8938-1502.

For payment, you can direct bank-in/transfer to Maybank Berhad 5121-4702-3622, payable to Nalanda Buddhist Society. Thereafter, please email the transaction document to us for our record purpose.

For other enquiries, please contact Sis. Sunanda at the Nalanda Office (03-8938-1500).

10 February 2012

10 February 2012 - Monthly Dhamma Discussion

"What Happiness Is" was the topic of sharing and discussion. 

The participants listening to the sharing by Bro. Ananda Fong.

Bro. Ananda Fong answering questions on different aspects of happiness.

From Anana Sutta (Anguttara Nikaya) -
There are these four kinds of bliss that can be attained by a householder:
1. The bliss of having/possession,
2. the bliss of [making use of] wealth,
3. the bliss of debtlessness,
4. the bliss of blamelessness.

Read a Dhamma book today

Book title : Opening the Door of Your Heart and other Buddhist Tales of Happiness
Author : Venerable Ajahn Brahmavamso
Topic : Stories (Jataka tales, etc.) & Comics
ISBN : 0734406525

The book contains modern tales of hope, forgiveness, freedom from fear and overcoming pain.  The tales cleverly relate the timeless wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings and the path to true happiness.

One of the stories goes like this:
Someone calls you an idiot.  Then you start thinking, ‘How can they call me an idiot?  They’ve got no right to call me an idiot!  How rude to call me and idiot!  I’ll get them back for calling me an idiot.’  And you suddenly realize that you have just let them call you an idiot another four times.

Every time you remember what they said, you allow them to call you an idiot.  Therein lies the problem.  If someone calls you an idiot and you immediately let it go, then it doesn’t bother you.  There is the solution.  Why allow other people to control your inner happiness?

Other interesting stories include :
Two bad bricks
The child in the supermarket
Opening the door of your heart
The chicken and the duck
Predicting the future
A truck-load of dung
Being a dustbin
Drinking tea when there’s no way out
The cow that cried
& others


Pustaka Nalanda You can access our collection of books through the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) at http://nalanda.org.my/pustaka/. From this portal, you can search our catalogue of books and other reference materials available at Pustaka Nalanda. 

You are most welcome to borrow books from the Library. It opens six days a week from Tuesday to Sunday, 10am – 6pm.

09 February 2012

Weekly Programme Update (6-12 February 2012)

Monthly Dhamma Discussion

Date: 10 February 2012, Friday

Time: 12pm - 1.30pm

Venue: Pustaka Nalanda

Monthly Dhamma Discussion will be held on the 2nd Friday of every month.  The topic we are covering this session is "What Happiness Is".  Bro. Ananda Fong will be sharing the views on What is REAL Happiness vs What is NOT and we welcome your participation in sharing your personal views too (after all, it is a discussion)! 

Do join us and let's all have an opportunity to learn from each other through this Dhamma discussion. Simple lunch will be provided for all participants. Please click here for our address and location map. Looking forward to receiving you, your family as well as your friends this Friday! 

Service Sunday & Dhamma Talk "Happiness from Voluntary Service"

Date: 12 February 2012, Sunday

Time: 9am - 11am

Venue: Level 1, Nalanda Centre

The service will commence at 9am with sitting meditation, puja, chanting and followed by a Dhamma Talk from Dr. Phang Cheng Kar (M.D), our resident speaker.  The title of the Dhamma talk is Happiness from Voluntary Service.

We welcome you to bring your family members and friends to join this Service Sunday!