20 March 2012

Weekly Programme Update (19-25 March 2012)

BPS 271:Satipatthana Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop (Part 2)
Date: 24 & 25 March 2012, Saturday & Sunday
Time: 9am - 5pm
Venue: Levels 3 & 4, Nalanda Centre
(Registration is closed.) 

Ven. Aggacitta will cover scriptural text with instructions on meditation based on the “Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness”, and also incorporate meditation practice sessions for mental cultivation.

Service Sunday - Mandarin Parenting Talk
Date: 25 March 2012
Time: 9 - 11am
Topic: 孩子谈恋爱了父母该怎么办?What Should Parents Do When Their Children Fall in Love?
Speaker: Bro. Aggaphala Yap

The Service will commence with sitting meditation, puja and chanting to prepare our minds for the sharing that will follow after. If you or your friends have children and would like to learn more about this topic, do join us on Sunday for this talk!

Bro. Aggaphala is a registered and licensed counsellor. He holds a Masters degree in Counselling and Guidance from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He is Nalanda Book Cafe's community counsellor, and has more than 6 years working experience as a university college counsellor and community counsellor.

Gardening Day
Date: 1 April 2012, Sunday
Time: 9 -11am

As we are approaching Wesak, let us all gear up to welcome this important day.  We will be having a Gardening Day to prepare the Nandanavana (the Garden of Joyful Delight) to look its best.  Working in the garden provides exercise, stress reduction, relaxation and increases the gardener's personal bonding with nature. Our family and community can also be brought together through gardening conversations and activities. Do come in your gardening attire and reconnect with the natural environment.

Bhavana Day
Two-Day-One-Night Meditation Retreat at Nalanda Centre
Date: 7 & 8 April 2012, Saturday & Sunday
Time: 9am (Saturday) - 6pm (Sunday)

Mental well-being is a very important aspect of life that everyone strives for. To facilitate and promote this, we are organising a weekend meditation retreat at Nalanda Centre. Sayalay Susila will teach Anapanasati (meditation on breathing) on the first day of the retreat, and Vipassana (insight) meditation on the second day. 

Registration for the retreat is required. For further details, please click here.