01 September 2011

Do you have extra plants?

11 SEPTEMBER 2011, SUNDAY, 11.00 am

Friends, let’s come together on 11 September, 11am, to beautify our surroundings with plants.

Since Nalanda started the community project in September 2009, we have transformed the road shoulder of Jalan 18/42 into a garden strip where people can walk and sit under the trees. The variety of plants has made the area more pleasant.

Road shoulder of Jalan 18/42.

This year, we are going to plant some plants to beautify the soccer field. 


If you have extra plants at home which can grow well directly under the sunlight, e.g. bougainvillea, hibiscus, croton, etc, you may contribute it for this greening activity.


Dedicate a day to Mother Earth by planting a tree to express our gratitude for all she has given us.

For more information, please contact Sis. Visakha 016-238-0023.