07 September 2011

11 September 2011 - Join us for a Meaningful Sunday

Dear friends,

9am, Service Sunday
During the Service on 11 September 2011, we will take the opportunity to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Sept 11th Incident. Besides puja, chanting and transference of merits, Bro. HS Tan, the Founder of Nalanda Buddhist Society, will share with the congregation on the theme “Day of Peace, Love & Reflection”.

11am, Planting Activity
After the Dhamma sharing, we will proceed with planting trees to beautify the surroundings. If you have extra plants at home which can grow well directly under the sunlight, e.g. bougainvillea, hibiscus, croton, etc, you may contribute it for this greening activity.  Scroll down the page for more information on the planting activity.

We carry on with this effort as the variety of plants which we have planted in 2009 and 2010 has made the area and the environment more pleasant to live in.  We believe that this is one of the ways to transform the surroundings to a better one.

Join us for these wholesome activities on this coming Sunday and make it a meaningful day for you and your loved ones.

We look forward to meeting you.

Note: We have the latest release of Nalanda Bulletin, Issue No. 5, September 2011.  Please click here for online reading.