05 September 2010

24 September 2010 - Mid Autumn Festival

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Season’s greetings. This year, Nalanda is celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival on 24 September (Friday), 7.00pm at Nalanda Centre. There will be pot-luck dinner, games, lantern riddles, lantern procession, performances, etc. We cordially invite you and your family members and friends to celebrate this joyous occasion with us.

In conjunction with the occasion, Nalanda Cafe is selling a variety of home-made mooncakes to kick off the festival. The fund raised through this effort will be used for the operations of free tuition classes initiated by Nalanda. Choose your favourite flavours and place your order before 12 September by emailing mooncake@nalanda.org.my or faxing 03-8938-1502.


与此同时,Nalanda Cafe今年也推出了14种不同口味, 并以低糖为主的新鲜自制月饼。 通过Nalanda佛学会订购,所得收入将用以资助本会所免费补习班之运作。 您可通过电邮mooncake@nalanda.org.my 订购或于9月12 日之前将订购表格传真至03-8938-1502。


Mooncake Order Form