13 April 2012

Have you read a Dhamma book today?

Title : Longing for Certainty : Reflections on the Buddhist Life
Author : Venerable Bhikkhu Nyanasobhano
Publisher : Wisdom Publications
ISBN : 0-86171-338-9
Topic :  Concepts, Teachings & Practice 

Various happenings or scenes that surround us hold precious and obtainable truths.  They are enough for truth seekers to observe vigilantly, and obtain insight. 

The author shares with us the efficacy of the Buddha’s teachings in one’s daily undertakings through the essays in this book.  He presents Buddhism as a system of learning and practice, and shows us how conditioned things bring about joy and misery. 

Contents :
Ready to Listen
The Flowering Season
Noble Standards
Speech and Silence
By Means of Mindfulness
A Pilgrimage in Autumn
& Others

“… it is not necessary that we lack strength or intelligence or will, but that, stifled in the grip of ignorance, we simply do not see the world clearly; we do not know what should be cultivated and what should be avoided.” 

See and observe…, do we find useful illustrations of Buddhist principles in our daily experiences? 


Pustaka Nalanda was established with the aim to make available quality reading materials to promote the learning, study, practice and understanding of Buddha’s teachings. 

In fulfilling its objective, Pustaka Nalanda brings you two new programmes –
  1. Monthly Dhamma Discussion - every 2nd Friday of the month over lunch break
  2. Meet-the-Author - 3 June, Saturday, 3pm      
There is a session on Monthly Dhamma Discussion today on “What Buddhism Is”, 12.00pm to 1.30pm at Nalanda Centre, Serdang.  Come and join us!