16 March 2012

Have you read a Dhamma book today?

Title : Gratitude
Author :  Ven. Ajahn Thitadhammo, Ven. Ajahn Sumedho, et. al.
Topic :  Collected Articles

In conjunction with the Nalanda Patron’s Day, which is an occasion to remember and honour all those who have contributed to the growth and development of Nalanda over the years, we introduce this book for your contemplation on “gratitude”.  

Bearing gratitude is one of the many wholesome qualities that the Buddha encourages us to develop.  In Pāli, it is called kataññutā which means knowing what has been done for us (for our benefits).  And the effort to reciprocate or return the generosity and kindness we received is called kataveditā.  

Among all, we think of our mother and father who bring us up and nurture us; teachers and spiritual guides who train us in different skills and guide us in the path to liberation; relatives and friends who assist us when we are in need.  Besides, there are animate and inanimate things, e.g. animals, plants, forest, ocean, etc., our country, and the highest objects of veneration – the Triple Gem, that we have to bear gratitude.  With right reflection, even the unpleasant happenings or people we can have gratitude, by recalling all the positive aspects that we can learn from them. 

This book is a compilation of six articles by the six venerable ajahns who explained in details the spirit of kataññutā that one can cultivate, and shared their personal experience on how the great sense of gratitude arose in them, stayed with them, and how they reciprocated. 

Articles : 
Ven. Ajahn Thitadhammo : The Right Angle – It’s never wrong
Ven. Ajahn Sumedho : Gratitude to Parents
Ven. Ajahn Pasanno : Cultivating Gratitude
Ven. Ajahn Amaro : Gratitude to Our Guides
Ven. Ajahn Nyanadhammo : Mother – the Giver
Ven. Ajahn Jayasaro : Daughters and Sons

With conscious effort, we direct our thoughts to bear gratitude, and expand our capacity to appreciate different people and things in life.  This is a life well-lived which is conducive to social harmony and social well-being.

Pustaka Nalanda [ http://nalanda.org.my/pustaka/ ]
It opens six days a week from Tuesday to Sunday, 10am – 6pm.  All are most welcome to borrow and read books at the Pustaka Nalanda.  For enquiries, please call us at 03-8938-1500.